These are my new friends Jane and Lucy. Starting in January we will be hanging out every Monday. Hooray for RIT woodworkers, with kids, living in Maine
Today is Dada's birthday. Last night Auntie Alicia invited over some of Dada's friends for an impromptu party. It was a lovely evening, and I got to hang with my girl Lilly.
On sunday we went and picked out a Christmas Tree to chop down. We found the most perfect tree in record time. Here it is before we brought it home and after
Bruce Wayne! This could be our answer for taking over the world: Toilet Paper and Plungers. We have the skills and now we have the weapons. We shall conquer...
Hi and Welcome to our Pumpkin Carving Party. God blessed us with the most perfect fall day a person could ask for. We had soup and cider, apple bobbing and pumpkin carving, a fire and donuts, and lots of friends and good times. Fifty-three people showed up in all. Cider Pressing