Part and Parcel with becoming a big sister, and turning two, I got my very own bedroom to sleep in. Mommy needed a project to keep her nesting instincts busy, so she stripped the wallpaper, patched holes, and repainted a room at Grandma and Grandpa's house, just for me. Although this may sound like an easy task, it is easier said than done. She started in May right after our trip to AZ/NM and finished in the middle of August. Of course the only time she really had to work on it was nap time. Anyhow, it turned out super duper, if I do say so myself. But, just because a room is pretty does not mean I will want to sleep in it...
Some nights I only wake up once or twice, but there are other nights (i.e. last night) where I keep waking up over and over, and when nobody is with me in my room, I cry. So eventually I get brought into mommy and daddy's room, out of desperation for mommy to get some sleep!
But Mommy knows that as time goes on there will be more good nights than bad, so we are persisting through the tough nights. In the meantime there is a nicely worn path between my room and Mommy and Daddy's room.
A few before shots (post wall paper stripping)

And the results!

Nice work on the room!
And we've got the same worn floor from Cole coming into our room at night.
When do they sleep through the night on their own...?
Fabulous! so sweet! yeah Brucie insists on starting the nigh in his bed, acting as though he adores it, but sometime in the wee hours he makes a bee line for our bed and nestles in, cuddling us....and kicks, and squirms ;)
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