On our last night in Albuquerque, Dawn showed us how she ran with
her dogs on an
AGILITY course. Mommy thought this was very cool. Someday I may even get my very own
Australian Shepard doggy.

Roxie poses for her close up.

Before I went to bed, Daddy showed me Elmo on a Google Image Search. There was one Elmo with a
twisty head, and I thought it was funny.

Mic and Dawn made us breakfast (again) This time we had waffles. MMM-mmm.

Daddy shared with me.

Before we left Albuquerque we paused for a photo of the group. That's Daddy, Mommy, Me, Dawn, Mic, Roxie, Tazzie, Streaker, and Lexie.

In honor of the late Uncle Bus, we ate at
Blake's Lotaburger for lunch. Good fresh food and green chilis on our burgers. A New Mexican tradition.

We stopped at this trading post along route 40 in Arizona. Pretty neat stuff inside!

That is my Great Grandma Cousins. I had fun at her house playing with all her breakable items.

And here I am getting a lift from Daddy. Mommy and Daddy say that I am quite the good little traveler. I love riding the planes, and when we take off, land, or turn I say "WEEEE". Now, I just have to adjust back to East coast time zone. Ahhh, but it is nice to be home.